native-base component interface and props

Native Base component interface and props

native base is a wonderful react-native component lib. But it doesn’t provide enough Components document on official site.

After we install native-base module, we can find “native-base” module definition file, it contains much information about each props for “native-base” component.

Past them here for development reference usage.

A official native-base component usage, we can find from here:

declare module "native-base" {
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactNative from "react-native";

namespace NativeBase {
interface Text extends ReactNative.TextProperties {
note?: boolean;
uppercase?: boolean;

interface Switch extends ReactNative.SwitchProperties { }

interface View extends ReactNative.ViewProperties {
padder?: boolean;

interface Picker extends ReactNative.PickerProperties {
mode?: "dialog" | "dropdown";
iosHeader?: string;
inlineLabel?: boolean;
headerBackButtonText?: string;
placeholder?: string;
placeholderStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
style?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
iosIcon?: React.ReactElement<NativeBase.Icon>;
note?: boolean;
placeholderIconColor?: string;
itemTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
headerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
headerTitleStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
headerBackButtonTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
modalStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
renderHeader?: (backAction: any) => React.ReactElement<any>;

interface H1 extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }
* see Widget Text.js
interface H2 extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }
* see Widget Text.js
interface H3 extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }
* see Widget Text.js
interface BsStyle {
success?: boolean;
primary?: boolean;
danger?: boolean;
warning?: boolean;
info?: boolean;

interface Badge extends ReactNative.ViewProperties, BsStyle { }
* see Widget CardSwiper.js
interface CardSwiper { }
* see Widget DeckSwiper.js
interface DeckSwiper {
* Array<any>
dataSource?: Array<any>;
* Direction of iteration for elements
* Default: iterates in backward direction
onSwipeLeft?: Function;
* Direction of iteration for elements
* Default: iterates in forward direction
onSwipeRight?: Function;
* Takes a data entry from the data source and should return a renderable component to be rendered as the row.
renderItem?: Function;
* see Widget Header.js
interface Header {
* Prop to be used with <Header> component to have Search bar onto the Header section of your screen.
searchBar?: boolean;
* Wraps the search bar with predefined border options.
* Default: regular
rounded?: boolean;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* It is advisable to use hasTabs prop with Header while using Tab
hasTabs?: boolean;
noShadow?: boolean;
hasSubtitle?: boolean;
span?: boolean;
androidStatusBarColor?: string;
iosBarStyle?: ReactNative.StatusBarStyle;
hasSegment?: boolean;
translucent?: boolean;
transparent?: boolean;

interface Left {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

interface Body {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

interface Right {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

* see Widget FooterTab.js
interface FooterTab {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* see Widget Footer.js
interface Footer {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* see Widget Title.js
interface Title {
style?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
* see Widget Subtitle/index.js
interface Subtitle {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* see Widget Container.js
interface Container {
* The theme prop can be applied to any component of NativeBase.
theme?: Object;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* see Widget Content.js
interface Content {
* The theme prop can be applied to any component of NativeBase.
refreshing?: boolean;
refreshControl?: object;
theme?: Object;
padder?: boolean;
disableKBDismissScroll?: boolean;
enableResetScrollToCoords?: boolean;
contentOffset?: Object;
scrollEnabled?: boolean;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
contentContainerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
keyboardShouldPersistTaps?: string;
keyboardDismissMode?: string;
* see Widget Button.js
interface Button extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties, BsStyle {
* Defines button style
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
* Defines button text style
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
* Block level button
block?: boolean;
* Vertical button
vertical?: boolean;
* Button with badges
badge?: boolean;
//primary?: boolean,
* Gives you effect of Icon-buttons.
* To have button with transparent background, include this prop.
transparent?: boolean;
//success?: boolean,
//danger?: boolean,
// warning?: boolean,
//info?: boolean,
color?: string;
* Applies outline button style.
bordered?: boolean;
* Renders button with slightly round shaped edges.
rounded?: boolean;
* For large size button
large?: boolean;
* For small size button
small?: boolean;
* Used for Icon alignment.
* Aligns icon to the left in button.
* By default, icons are aligned to the left in button.
iconLeft?: boolean;
* Used for Icon alignment.
* Aligns icon to the right in button.
iconRight?: boolean;
* Used to enable/disable icons
* Icons align in the center of the bu8tton.
icon?: boolean;
* Disables onPress option for button
disabled?: boolean;
active?: boolean;
inputButton?: boolean;
full?: boolean;
light?: boolean;
dark?: boolean;
* [android] colored ripple effect
androidRippleColor?: string;
* Segments
first?: boolean;
last?: boolean;

* see Widget List.js
interface List extends ReactListViewProperties {
listBorderColor?: string;
listDividerBg?: string;
listNoteColor?: string;
listItemPadding?: number;
listNoteSize?: number;
inset?: boolean;
* Array of data chunks to render iteratively.
dataArray?: Array<any>;
renderRow?: (
rowData: any,
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
highlightRow?: boolean
) => React.ReactElement<any>;
dataSource?: ReactNative.ListViewDataSource;
disableLeftSwipe?: boolean;
disableRightSwipe?: boolean;
rightOpenValue?: number;
leftOpenValue?: number;
renderRightHiddenRow?: (
rowData: any,
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
rowMap?: any
) => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderLeftHiddenRow?: (
rowData: any,
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
rowMap?: any
) => React.ReactElement<any>;
rowHasChanged?: (r1: any, r2: any) => boolean;
onRowOpen?: Function;
onRowClose?: Function;
onRowDidOpen?: Function;
onRowDidClose?: Function;
swipeToOpenPercent?: number;
closeOnRowBeginSwipe?: boolean;
* see Widget ListItem.js
interface ListItem extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties {
header?: boolean;
noBorder?: boolean;
noIndent?: boolean;
* Aligns icon to the right of ListItem.
* Default: false
iconRight?: boolean;
* Aligns icon to the left of ListItem.
* Default: true
iconLeft?: boolean;
icon?: boolean;
avatar?: boolean;
thumbnail?: boolean;
button?: boolean;
* Helps to organize and group the list items.
itemDivider?: boolean;
* Sub caption for List Item.

note?: string;
itemHeader?: boolean;
first?: boolean;
last?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
* [android] colored ripple effect
androidRippleColor?: string;
touchableHighlightStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;

interface Separator {
bordered?: boolean;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

* see Widget CardItem.js
interface CardItem extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties {
header?: boolean;
footer?: boolean;
cardBody?: boolean;
button?: boolean;
bordered?: boolean;
* Override React ListViewProperties
interface ReactListViewProperties
extends ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties,
React.Props<ReactNative.ListView> {
* Flag indicating whether empty section headers should be rendered.
* In the future release empty section headers will be rendered by
* default, and the flag will be deprecated. If empty sections are not
* desired to be rendered their indices should be excluded from
* sectionID object.
enableEmptySections?: boolean;

* How many rows to render on initial component mount. Use this to make
* it so that the first screen worth of data apears at one time instead of
* over the course of multiple frames.
initialListSize?: number;

* (visibleRows, changedRows) => void
* Called when the set of visible rows changes. `visibleRows` maps
* { sectionID: { rowID: true }} for all the visible rows, and
* `changedRows` maps { sectionID: { rowID: true | false }} for the rows
* that have changed their visibility, with true indicating visible, and
* false indicating the view has moved out of view.
onChangeVisibleRows?: (
visibleRows: Array<{ [sectionId: string]: { [rowID: string]: boolean } }>,
changedRows: Array<{ [sectionId: string]: { [rowID: string]: boolean } }>
) => void;

* Called when all rows have been rendered and the list has been scrolled
* to within onEndReachedThreshold of the bottom. The native scroll
* event is provided.
onEndReached?: () => void;

* Threshold in pixels for onEndReached.
onEndReachedThreshold?: number;

* Number of rows to render per event loop.
pageSize?: number;

* A performance optimization for improving scroll perf of
* large lists, used in conjunction with overflow: 'hidden' on the row
* containers. Use at your own risk.
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean;

* () => renderable
* The header and footer are always rendered (if these props are provided)
* on every render pass. If they are expensive to re-render, wrap them
* in StaticContainer or other mechanism as appropriate. Footer is always
* at the bottom of the list, and header at the top, on every render pass.
renderFooter?: () => React.ReactElement<any>;

* () => renderable
* The header and footer are always rendered (if these props are provided)
* on every render pass. If they are expensive to re-render, wrap them
* in StaticContainer or other mechanism as appropriate. Footer is always
* at the bottom of the list, and header at the top, on every render pass.
renderHeader?: () => React.ReactElement<any>;

* (rowData, sectionID, rowID) => renderable
* Takes a data entry from the data source and its ids and should return
* a renderable component to be rendered as the row. By default the data
* is exactly what was put into the data source, but it's also possible to
* provide custom extractors.
renderRow?: (
rowData: any,
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
highlightRow?: boolean
) => React.ReactElement<any>;

* A function that returns the scrollable component in which the list rows are rendered.
* Defaults to returning a ScrollView with the given props.
renderScrollComponent?: (
props: ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties
) => React.ReactElement<ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties>;

* (sectionData, sectionID) => renderable
* If provided, a sticky header is rendered for this section. The sticky
* behavior means that it will scroll with the content at the top of the
* section until it reaches the top of the screen, at which point it will
* stick to the top until it is pushed off the screen by the next section
* header.
renderSectionHeader?: (sectionData: any, sectionId: string | number) => React.ReactElement<any>;

* (sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) => renderable
* If provided, a renderable component to be rendered as the separator below each row
* but not the last row if there is a section header below.
* Take a sectionID and rowID of the row above and whether its adjacent row is highlighted.
renderSeparator?: (
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
adjacentRowHighlighted?: boolean
) => React.ReactElement<any>;

* How early to start rendering rows before they come on screen, in
* pixels.
scrollRenderAheadDistance?: number;

* An array of child indices determining which children get docked to the
* top of the screen when scrolling. For example, passing
* `stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}` will cause the first child to be fixed to the
* top of the scroll view. This property is not supported in conjunction
* with `horizontal={true}`.
* @platform ios
stickyHeaderIndices?: number[];

ref?: React.Ref<ReactNative.ListView & ReactNative.ScrollView & ReactNative.View>;
* see Widget Card.js
interface Card extends ReactNative.ViewProperties {
dataArray?: Array<any>;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
ref?: React.Ref<ReactNative.ViewProperties | ReactListViewProperties>;
transparent?: boolean;
noShadow?: boolean;

// Adding ListView properties
// dataSource?: ReactNative.ListViewDataSource;
enableEmptySections?: boolean;
initialListSize?: number;
onChangeVisibleRows?: (
visibleRows: Array<{ [sectionId: string]: { [rowID: string]: boolean } }>,
changedRows: Array<{ [sectionId: string]: { [rowID: string]: boolean } }>
) => void;
onEndReached?: () => void;
onEndReachedThreshold?: number;
pageSize?: number;
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean;
renderFooter?: () => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderHeader?: () => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderRow?: (
rowData: any,
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
highlightRow?: boolean
) => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderScrollComponent?: (props: ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties) => React.ReactElement<ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties>;
renderSectionHeader?: (sectionData: any, sectionId: string | number) => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderSeparator?: (
sectionID: string | number,
rowID: string | number,
adjacentRowHighlighted?: boolean
) => React.ReactElement<any>;
scrollRenderAheadDistance?: number;
stickyHeaderIndices?: number[];
stickySectionHeadersEnabled?: boolean;
* react-native-easy-grid
interface Grid extends ReactNative.ViewProperties { }
interface Row extends ReactNative.ViewProperties {
size?: number;
interface Col extends ReactNative.ViewProperties {
size?: number;
* see Widget InputGroup.js
interface InputGroup extends ReactNative.ViewProperties {
* Wraps the textbox with predefined border options.
* Default: underline
borderType?: "rounded" | "regular" | "underline";
toolbar?: boolean;
atoolbar?: boolean;
* If true, the icon in the input text box appears to the right.
* Default: true
iconRight?: boolean;
* The border color of textbox for valid input.
success?: boolean;
* The border color of textbox for invalid input.
error?: boolean;
* Disables inputting data.
disabled?: boolean;
regular?: boolean;
underline?: boolean;
rounded?: boolean;
* see Widget Input.js
interface Input extends ReactNative.TextInputProperties {
label?: string;
* Label placed to the left of the input element.
* When the user enters text, the label does not hide.
* This can also be used along with placeholder.
inlineLabel?: boolean;
* Places the label on top of the input element which appears like a stack.
* This can also be used along with placeholder.
stackedLabel?: boolean;
* Disables inputting data.
disabled?: boolean;
getRef?: React.Ref<ReactNative.TextInput>;
* see Widget Textarea.js
interface Textarea extends ReactNative.TextInputProperties {
rowSpan: number;

interface Label {
style?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
* see Widget Icon.js
interface Icon {
name: string;
type?: "Entypo" | "EvilIcons" | "Feather" | "FontAwesome" | "Foundation" | "Ionicons" | "MaterialCommunityIcons" | "MaterialIcons" | "Octicons" | "SimpleLineIcons" | "Zocial";
// TODO position attribute of ReactNative.FlexStyle hasn't another position values without "absolute" and "relative"
style?: any;
onPress?: (e?: any) => any;
active?: boolean;
ios?: string;
android?: string;
color?: string;
fontSize?: number;
* see Widget Icon.js
interface Thumbnail extends ReactNative.ImageProperties {
* Dimension of thumbnail.
* Default: 30
size?: number;
* Represents shape of thumbnail.
* By default thumbnail is circle in shape.
circular?: boolean;
* Represents shape of thumbnail.
* By default thumbnail is circle in shape.
square?: boolean;
small?: boolean;
large?: boolean;
* see Widget Spinner.js
interface Spinner extends ReactNative.ActivityIndicatorProperties {
inverse?: boolean;
* see Widget CheckBox.js
interface CheckBox extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties {
checked?: boolean;
color?: string;
* see Widget CheckBox.js
interface Radio extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties {
selected?: boolean;
* see Widget ProgressBar.js
interface ProgressBar {
progress?: number;
color?: string;
inverse?: boolean;
* vendor react-native-drawer
interface DrawerStyles {
drawer?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
main?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
drawerOverlay?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
mainOverlay?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
interface Drawer {
acceptDoubleTap?: boolean;
acceptPan?: boolean;
acceptTap?: boolean;
captureGestures?: boolean;
children?: any;
open?: boolean;
closedDrawerOffset?: number;
content?: any;
deviceScreen?: ReactNative.ScaledSize;
disabled?: boolean;
initializeOpen?: boolean;
negotiatePan?: boolean;
onClose?: Function;
onCloseStart?: Function;
onOpen?: Function;
onOpenStart?: Function;
openDrawerOffset?: number;
openDrawerThreshold?: number;
panCloseMask?: number;
panOpenMask?: number;
panStartCompensation?: boolean;
relativeDrag?: boolean;
side?: "left" | "right";
styles?: DrawerStyles;
tapToClose?: boolean;
tweenDuration?: number;
tweenEasing?: string;
tweenHandler?: Function;
type?: "overlay" | "static" | "displace";
interface ScrollableTab {
goToPage?: Function;
activeTab?: number;
tabs?: Array<any>;
backgroundColor?: string;
activeTextColor?: string;
inactiveTextColor?: string;
scrollOffset?: number;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
tabStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
tabsContainerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
renderTab?: Function;
underlineStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
onScroll?: Function;

* see Widget Tabs.js
interface Tabs {
renderTabBar?: Function;
tabBarPosition?: "top" | "bottom";
edgeHitWidth?: number;
springTension?: number;
springFriction?: number;
onChangeTab?: Function;
locked?: boolean;
initialPage?: number;
tabBarUnderlineStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
tabBarBackgroundColor?: string;
tabBarActiveTextColor?: string;
tabBarInactiveTextColor?: string;
tabBarTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
tabContainerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
contentProps?: ReactNative.ScrollViewProperties;

interface Tab {
heading: React.ReactElement<TabHeading> | string;
tabStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
activeTabStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
activeTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
interface TabHeading {
tabStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
activeTabStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
activeTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

interface Item {
fixedLabel?: boolean;
floatingLabel?: boolean;
inlineLabel?: boolean;
stackedLabel?: boolean;
placeholderLabel?: boolean;
bordered?: boolean;
regular?: boolean;
underline?: boolean;
rounded?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
error?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
secureTextEntry?: boolean;
success?: boolean;
last?: boolean;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

interface Form {
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;

interface Fab {
active?: boolean;
direction?: "down" | "up" | "left" | "right";
containerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle | Array<ReactNative.ViewStyle>;
onPress?: () => void;
position?: "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight";
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;

interface Image extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }

interface Segment extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }

interface Root extends ReactNative.TextProperties { }

interface StyleProvider {
style?: any;
interface SwipeRow {
leftOpenValue?: number;
rightOpenValue?: number;
closeOnRowPress?: boolean;
disableLeftSwipe?: boolean;
disableRightSwipe?: boolean;
recalculateHiddenLayout?: boolean;
preview?: boolean;
previewDuration?: number;
directionalDistanceChangeThreshold?: number;
swipeToOpenPercent?: number;
stopLeftSwipe?: number;
stopRightSwipe?: number;
onRowOpen?: Function;
onRowClose?: Function;
left?: React.ReactElement<any>;
body?: React.ReactElement<any>;
right?: React.ReactElement<any>;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;

interface Accordion {
dataArray: Array<any>;
headerStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
contentStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
renderHeader?: (item: any, expanded: boolean) => React.ReactElement<any>;
renderContent?: (item: any) => React.ReactElement<any>;
icon?: string;
expandedIcon?: string;
iconStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
expandedIconStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
style?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;

interface DatePicker {
defaultDate?: Date;
minimumDate?: Date;
maximumDate?: Date;
locale?: string;
placeHolderText?: string;
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
placeHolderTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
androidMode?: "calendar" | "spinner" | "default";
timeZoneOffsetInMinutes?: number;
modalTransparent?: boolean;
animationType?: "slide" | "fade" | "none";
disabled?: boolean;
onDateChange?: (date: any) => void;
formatChosenDate?: (date: any) => void;

// Export definitions
* NativeBase.Container
* Provides its own frame component, named after <Container>.
* All the components should be included within the Container.
* Container takes mainly two components: <Header> and <Content>.
* Container comes with its predefined stylesheet, with an added advantage of accepting user-defined styles.
* Usage of Container's Header component is very similar to your HTML <head>.
* The Content component of Container is nothing but the body section of your screen.
export class Container extends React.Component<NativeBase.Container, any> { }
* NativeBase.Header
* NativeBase component that renders as Header (navbar) for your screen.
* There can be a single Header component into your Container.
* To have Header for your screen, include <Header> component within <Container>.
* NativeBase gives you flexibility to define your Header component anywhere in the bounds of Container.
* Header takes input as: Button and Title (Text)
* The components those are defined within <Header> will be rendered in the same order that you define them.
* Header provides you with stylesheet.
* User can add custom styles while defining <Header> within their app.
* Replacing Component: React Native <View>
export class Header extends React.Component<NativeBase.Header, any> { }
* NativeBase.Content
* This is a NativeBase component which renders as body element of your screen.
* Each screen can have only one <Content> component and can be defined anywhere within the Container.
* Content takes in the whole collection of React Native and NativeBase components.
* Content provides you with stylesheet.
* User can add custom styles while defining <Content> within their app.
* Replacing Component: React Native <ScrollView>
* NativeBase.Left
export class Left extends React.Component<NativeBase.Left, any> { }
* NativeBase.Right
export class Right extends React.Component<NativeBase.Right, any> { }
* NativeBase.Body
export class Body extends React.Component<NativeBase.Body, any> { }

export class Content extends React.Component<NativeBase.Content, any> { }
* NativeBase.FooterTab
export class FooterTab extends React.Component<NativeBase.FooterTab, any> { }
* NativeBase.Footer
export class Footer extends React.Component<NativeBase.Footer, any> { }
* NativeBase.Title
export class Title extends React.Component<NativeBase.Title, any> { }

export class Subtitle extends React.Component<NativeBase.Subtitle, any> { }

* NativeBase.Button
* Provides Button component which is readily not available in React Native.
* Supports React Native app on both iOS and Android devices.
* Button component takes input such as: Text, Icon, Text with Icon.
* NativeBase gives you privilege to customize the props of this component.
* Example: To have custom style for button, include them in style prop of button.
* Intakes user-defined styles.
* NativeBase has provided its users with enormous list of props that can be used with Button.
* Replacing Component: React Native <TouchableOpacity>
export class Button extends React.Component<NativeBase.Button, any> { }
* NativeBase.View
export class View extends React.Component<NativeBase.View, any> { }
* NativeBase.Text
export class Text extends React.Component<NativeBase.Text, any> { }
* NativeBase.Switch
export class Switch extends React.Component<NativeBase.Switch, any> { }
* NativeBase.Picker
export class Picker extends React.Component<NativeBase.Picker, any> { }
namespace Picker {
export class Item extends React.Component<ReactNative.PickerItemProperties, any> { }
* NativeBase.List
* A base component for specifying lists of information. List must contain one or more list elements.
* Props provide configurability for several features. Provides a number of attributes that follows styling and interaction guidelines for each platform, so that they are intuitive for users to interact with.
export class List extends React.Component<NativeBase.List, any> { }
* NativeBase.ListItem
* • This is the child component of List.
* • Defines a list item.
* • Adds border at bottom of each ListItem.
* • List takes any number of ListItem.
export class ListItem extends React.Component<NativeBase.ListItem, any> { }
* NativeBase.H1
export class H1 extends React.Component<NativeBase.H1, any> { }
* NativeBase.H2
export class H2 extends React.Component<NativeBase.H2, any> { }
* NativeBase.H3
export class H3 extends React.Component<NativeBase.H3, any> { }
* NativeBase.Row
export class Row extends React.Component<NativeBase.Row, any> { }
* NativeBase.Col
export class Col extends React.Component<NativeBase.Col, any> { }
* NativeBase.Grid
export class Grid extends React.Component<NativeBase.Grid, any> { }
* NativeBase.InputGroup
* A foundational component for inputting text into the app via a keyboard.
* Props provide configurability for several features, such as auto-correction, auto-capitalization, placeholder text, and different keyboard types, such as a numeric keypad.
* Provides a number of attributes that follows styling and interaction guidelines for each platform, so that they are intuitive for users to interact with.
export class InputGroup extends React.Component<NativeBase.InputGroup, any> {
public static propTypes: any;
* NativeBase.Input
export class Input extends React.Component<NativeBase.Input, any> { }
* NativeBase.Textarea
export class Textarea extends React.Component<NativeBase.Textarea, any> { }
* NativeBase.Icon
export class Icon extends React.Component<NativeBase.Icon, any> { }
* NativeBase.Thumbnail
* Thumbnail component works very similar to Image.
* It helps you to showcase an image with variuos dimensions and shapes.
* By default, Thumbnail renders an image in circular shape.
export class Thumbnail extends React.Component<NativeBase.Thumbnail, any> { }
* NativeBase.Card
* Card is a flexible and extensible content container.
* It includes options for headers and footers, a wide variety of content, contextual background colors, and powerful display options.
* NativeBase Cards support a wide variety of content, including images, text, list groups, links, and more.
* Mix and match multiple content types to create the card you need.
export class Card extends React.Component<NativeBase.Card, any> { }
* NativeBase.CardItem
* This is the child component of Card. Works very similar to the list items of list. Card takes any number of CardItem.
* CardItem component takes input such as: Text, Button, Image, Thumbnail, Icon.
export class CardItem extends React.Component<NativeBase.CardItem, any> { }
* NativeBase.CardSwiper
* Looking at data one piece at a time is more efficient when you consider people you might want to date, restaurants, streaming music, or local events you might want to check out.
* NativeBase Card Swiper helps you evaluate one option at a time, instead of selecting from a set of options.
export class CardSwiper extends React.Component<NativeBase.CardSwiper, any> { }
* NativeBase.DeckSwiper
export class DeckSwiper extends React.Component<NativeBase.DeckSwiper, any> { }
* NativeBase.Badge
* All of us must have seen notification badges somewhere, such as on smart phones or facebook.
export class Badge extends React.Component<NativeBase.Badge, any> { }
* NativeBase.Spinner
export class Spinner extends React.Component<NativeBase.Spinner, any> { }
* NativeBase.CheckBox
export class CheckBox extends React.Component<NativeBase.CheckBox, any> { }
* NativeBase.Radio
export class Radio extends React.Component<NativeBase.Radio, any> { }
* NativeBase.ProgressBar
export class ProgressBar extends React.Component<NativeBase.ProgressBar, any> { }
* NativeBase.Drawer
export class Drawer extends React.Component<NativeBase.Drawer, any> { }
* NativeBase.ScrollableTab
export class ScrollableTab extends React.Component<NativeBase.ScrollableTab, any> { }
* NativeBase.Tabs
* Tabs are a horizontal region of buttons or links that allow for a consistent navigation experience between screens.
* It can contain any combination of text and icons, and is a popular method for enabling mobile navigation.
export class Tabs extends React.Component<NativeBase.Tabs, any> { }
* NativeBase.Tab
export class Tab extends React.Component<NativeBase.Tab, any> { }

export class TabHeading extends React.Component<NativeBase.TabHeading, any> { }
* NativeBase.Item
export class Item extends React.Component<NativeBase.Item, any> { }
* NativeBase.Form
export class Form extends React.Component<NativeBase.Form, any> { }
* NativeBase.Fab
export class Fab extends React.Component<NativeBase.Fab, any> { }

export class Separator extends React.Component<NativeBase.Separator, any> { }

export class Label extends React.Component<NativeBase.Label, any> { }

export class StyleProvider extends React.Component<NativeBase.StyleProvider, any> { }

export class ActionSheet {
static show: (
configuration: {
options: string[] | Array<{ text: string, icon?: string, iconColor?: string }>;
cancelButtonIndex?: number;
destructiveButtonIndex?: number;
title?: string;
onSelect: (index: number) => void
) => void;

export class Image extends React.Component<NativeBase.Image, any> { }

export class Segment extends React.Component<NativeBase.Segment, any> { }

export class Root extends React.Component<NativeBase.Root, any> { }

export class SwipeRow extends React.Component<NativeBase.SwipeRow, any> { }

export class Toast {
public static show(configuration: {
text: string;
buttonText?: string;
position?: "top" | "bottom" | "center";
type?: "danger" | "success" | "warning";
duration?: number;
onClose?: (reason: "user" | "timeout" | "functionCall") => any;
textStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
buttonTextStyle?: ReactNative.TextStyle;
buttonStyle?: ReactNative.ViewStyle;
}): void;

export class Accordion extends React.Component<NativeBase.Accordion, any>{ }

export class DatePicker extends React.Component<NativeBase.DatePicker, any> { }